MAA 2024 Best PhD / MSc Thesis Award
MAA 2024 Best PhD / MSc Thesis Award
Application deadline: 30 May 2024
Dear Candidates.
Dissertations and theses are an important element of the research landscape, adding value to your career provided innovative chapters are included in the Web of Science as research/review articles. This way users are allowed to access published transdisciplinary research.
This substantial update of your research work provides a more extensive literature assessment and recognition, most important for early career studies.
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry (MAA) introduces the MAA 2024 Best Thesis Award for students and senior scientists.
The application deadline for the MAA 2024 Best PhD / Master MSc Thesis Award 30 May. We are looking forward to applications from all over the world.
The journal MAA is Scopus indexed, Ei compendex, WoS (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) is inviting applications for the 2024 Best PhD / MSc Thesis Award. This prize will be awarded to a PhD / MSc student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential.
The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee led by the journal’s Editors, Prof. Dr. Ioannis Liritzis (Henan Univ., China), Dr Elena Pecchioni (Florence University, Italy), and Prof. Changhong Miao (Henan Univ, China); and committee members Prof Anagnostis Agelarakis - (Adelphi University, USA); Dr. Yan (Fiona) Liu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China), Prof. Dr Nikos Zacharias (Peloponnese Univ., Greece).
Eligibility and Requirements: – The candidate must be a recently qualified PhD /MSc holder;
– The PhD / MSc thesis must have been defended after Jan. 2022.
– The PhD /MSc thesis must be an innovative work;
Required Application Documents:
To be considered for this prize, candidates must submit:
-an executive summary of their PhD or MSc thesis in English (max 2000 words)
-a letter of recommendation from their supervisor and any additional senior scientist support letter
submit their CV,
-a list of publications (if any) related to their thesis,
-an electronic copy of their PhD/MSc thesis, and
-a scanned copy of their diploma.
Documents should be sent to [email protected].
Selection Criteria:
-Novelty, quality of the candidate’s PhD /MSc thesis and/or associated publications;
-Motivation of the Candidate for academic potential;
1. Bonus ($ 800) for best PhD and $800 for Best MSc;
2. An electronic certificate;
3. Submission of an excellent part of the thesis as the best paper, after peer review, to get published free of charge of MAA after peer review before April 2025. The No 3 prize applies also to the three first winners.
The application deadline is 31 May 2024. The winner will be announced on the MAA website by the end of June 2024.
Kind regards,
MAA Editorial Office