About the Journal

The Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (MAA) is an Open Access Journal that covers the following interdisciplinary topics:


  1. Multiscientific approaches to archaeology, anthropology, history, cultural heritage.
  2. Natural Sciences applied to Archaeology (Archaeometry): Methods and Techniques of Dating, Analysis, Provenance, Archaeogeophysical surveys and Remote Sensing, Geochemical surveys, Statistics, Artifact and Conservation studies, Ancient Astronomy of both the Old and New Worlds, all applied to Archaeology, History of Art, and in general the Hominid Biological and Cultural evolution.
  3. Biomolecular Archaeology.
  4. Environmental Archaeology.
  5. Osteoarchaeology.
  6. Digital Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
  7. Palaeo-climatological/Geographical/Ecological/ Geological impact on ancient humans.
  8. STEMAC (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics in Art and Culture).
  9. Reports on Early Science and Ancient Technology.
  10. Special Issues on Archaeology with Archaeometry.
  11. Natural sciences and comparative archaeology for Palaeolithic, Prehistoric, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Protochristian, Byzantine, Etruscan periods, and Megalithic cultures in the Mediterranean region, Egyptian and Middle Eastern Archaeology, Biblical Archaeology, Early Arab cultures, Ethnoarchaeology, Asian Archaeology, Asian-Pacific Archaeology & Anthropology
  12. Theoretical and Experimental Archaeology.
  13. Science in Mythology and Archaeology.
  14. Archaeology and International Law.
  15. Cultural Heritage Management.
  16. Completed / Ongoing archaeological/ cyber archaeology Excavation Reports.
  17. BioArchaeology and the Origins of Writing.
  18. Cultural interactions of the ancient Mediterraneans with people further inland via natural sciences,  and Global regions with people further inland and within insular environment via natural sciences.


The MAA Journal will:

  • Include articles written for the specialist, but including explanatory introduction for the non-specialist in mind.
  • Provide occasionally reviews of relevant techniques, applications and thematics on a local or regional basis.
  • Include research notes in updating and assessing in depth some themes of the present status of available archaeometric methods and techniques, as well as techniques in field excavation and on conservation matters.
  • Disseminate information on new techniques developed and ongoing excavations taken place around the Mediterranean region, region but also Asian, Asian-Pacific and American Continents, focusing on local and diffusion developments.
  • Encourage international discussion on the coupling between Archaeology and Archaeometry in their broader sense, initiating forums of discussion on the establishment of widely accepted criteria of correct approach and solution of particularly current and future archaeological problems.
  • Provide professional archaeologists, local authorities and site developers with information on the usefulness of scientific methods and techniques for their execution plans, the interpretation, the preservation and the presentation of antiquities.
  • Encourage and promote collaboration and develop plans for the undertaking of research and application initiatives in the field of archaeology.
  • Put forward innovative and creative ideas and enhance the Mediterranean research for the more efficient exposition and study of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage.
  • MAA encompases a wider geographica region becoming a vehiscle for Global archaeologivcal, Art, Heritage Issues based on innovative and creative ideas and enhance the Global research for the more efficient exposition and study of the Euro-Asian, Euro-Africa, and Euro-American  cultural heritage.
  • Consider Special Issues of peer reviewed papers presented in specialized Conferences or Workshops.