The Style, Lacquer Color and Shape of Han Dynasty Ceramic Sculpture Inspired the Creation of Fine Art



Ceramics, Han Dynasty, Sculptural Modeling, Fine Arts, Creation, Inspire.


The Han Dynasty was in a period of rapid development of Chinese feudal society, and the culture presented a vigorous and prosperous scene. In the Han Dynasty, artworks such as diction, calligraphy, music and dance, painting, and utensils and crafts achieved high artistic achievements, and various types of arts influenced each other, penetrated each other, and developed together. Han Dynasty sculpture art takes Han Dynasty social life as the theme, simple and vivid in shape, natural and vivid, fully showing the artistic interest and artistic talent of the Han Dynasty, and the artistic characteristics of Han Dynasty sculpture deeply influenced later art. This paper analyzes Han dynasty ceramics and sculptures, conducts X-ray diffraction analysis on pottery and sculptures excavated in some cemeteries, and explores the style and lacquer color characteristics of Han dynasty ceramics and sculptures with reference to relevant historical materials, so as to provide creative inspiration for modern art design. The results show that the ceramic and sculpture styles of the early Han Dynasty are rough and simple, and the later period is delicate, colorful and vivid. It is mainly attributed to the development of lacquered materials, as well as the development of ceramic preparation technology. Moreover, the development of ceramic preparation technology will also have an impact on sculpture modeling and improve the development of sculpture technology. Therefore, the style and lacquer color of Han dynasty ceramics and sculptures have an enlightening effect on modern art creation, and it is clear that the main purpose of art creation is the development of technology and craftsmanship, as well as the result of human aesthetic standards.





