The Application and Enlightenment of the Arrangement and Combination Characteristics, Music and Dance Performance Methods and Style Analysis of Sogdian Musical Instruments in the Reform of Contemporary Music Teaching in the Sui and Tang Dynasties



Sui and Tang Dynasties, Sogdian Instruments, Music and Dance Performances, Methods, Styles, Educational Reforms, Enlightenment.


During the Sui and Tang dynasties, trade in Central Asia was frequent, and cultures merged. As an alien ethnic group, Sogdian integrated into the Central Plains during the Sui and Tang Dynasties and impacted the dance and vocal culture of the Central Plains. The research on Sogdiana is mainly reflected in the connotation and history, and there is little research on the characteristics of its musical instrument combination and performance methods. This paper analyzes the Sogdian culture in the Sui and Tang dynasties and studies its achievements in dance and its influence on contemporary teaching. The results show that the Sogdian instrument arrangement focuses on percussion, especially drums, flutes and other instruments. However, the frequency of use of different instruments is the same. At the same time, it was found that Sogdian instruments contained rare elements such as lead, tin, and manganese, which also explained the reason why drum and flute percussion were dominant. In terms of performance methods, Sogdian mainly performs Huxuan dance, Huteng dance and Zhezhi dance, focusing on body language and space performances, such as vacating to show the softness and tenacity of the dance, as well as the style of soaring and rotating. Sogdian musical instruments and dances have an enlightening effect on contemporary music education, mainly integrating various dance styles, developing national dances, and rationalizing musical instrument arrangements.





