Language and Gender Representation in Children's Animated Films in the Mediterranean Region: An Archaeological Perspective Using Disney and Pixar as Case Studies


  • LingLing Shen Associate Professor, Wanjiang College Of Anhui Normal University, WhHu, 241000, China
  • Hualai Li Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, 241000, China


children's animated films; language; gender; Disney; Pixar


This paper explores the language and gender representation in children's animated films from a multidisciplinary archaeological perspective, focusing on the Mediterranean region, with Disney and Pixar as case studies. Initially, a comprehensive analysis of gender representation in children's animated films is conducted, discussing the portrayal of gender roles in relation to traditional norms, the evolution and development of female characters, and the exploration and evolution of male characters. Subsequently, the role of language in children's animated films is examined, including its influence on shaping gender roles, driving the storyline, and impacting young audiences. Finally, a comparative analysis of Disney and Pixar is presented, analyzing the differences and similarities between the two in terms of their historical context, characteristics, gender representation, and language usage. This paper aims to provide insights and guidance for the development of children's animated films, promoting them to better meet the needs of children and facilitate their comprehensive and healthy development within the Mediterranean cultural heritage context.




