Bavaria, Chiemgau, luminescence, OSL, dating, impact, meteoriteAbstract
A more exact dating of the Chiemgau meteorite impact in Bavaria, southeast Germany, that pro‐ duced a large strewn field of more than 80 craters sized between a few meters and several hundred meters, may provide the indispensable fundament for evaluating its cultural implications and thus enable an extraordinary case study. A straightforward answer has not yet been provided due to e.g. scarce existence of diagnostic material, lack of specialised micromorphologists, absence of absolute dating data etc. Here we report on a first OSL dating applied to a catastrophic impact layer that features both impact ejecta and tsunami characteristics attributed to proposed falls of projectiles into Lake Chiemsee in the impact event. The OSL dating was conducted on a quartzite cobble and four sediment samples collected from an excavated archaeological stratigraphy at Lake Chiemsee that comprised also the impact layer. In a first approach the analyses were based on the assumption of zero luminescence resetting clock from the induced impact shock for the quartzite cobble, and a solar bleaching of tsunami‐ generated sediments. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) was applied using the Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) protocol and relevant reliability criteria. For sediments the beta‐TL method was also applied. Reported ages fall around the beginning of 2nd millennium BC. Special attention is given to the peculiar situation of OSL dating of material that may have been exposed to impact shock of strongly varying intensity, to excavation, ejection and ejecta emplacement, the latter overprinted by and mixed with tsunami transport processes resulting in possibly very complex bleaching scenarios largely differing from the original assumptions.