
  • Manuel Pérez Gutiérrez Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila, University of Salamanca. C/ Hornos caleros, 50. 05003 Ávila, Spain
  • Alonso Rodríguez Díaz History Department. University of Extremadura Av. Universidad, s/n. 10003 Cáceres, Spain
  • Ignacio Pavón Soldevila History Department. University of Extremadura Av. Universidad, s/n. 10003 Cáceres, Spain
  • David M. Duque Espino History Department. University of Extremadura Av. Universidad, s/n. 10003 Cáceres, Spain


Tartessos, Pre-iberian Culture, Ritual place, Treasure, Arcturus, Solar orientations, metric, proportionality


The treasure of Aliseda was discovered by chance in the place of El Ejido ninety five years ago. However, the eventful character of the discovery and the circumstances that wrapped it left without answer multiple questions and, among them the archeological context where the emplacement belongs. The ritual building (6th century BC), found and excavated about 180 m away, is associated to the protohistoric settlement of La Sierra del Aljibe, and not only does it show a simple metric and geometry, but fascinating as well, beside incorporating a singular element, which until now remains unknown if exist any parallel within any contemporary construction in the territory. We are alluding to the vertical opening in the center of the most northern wall, and that allow to define a precise orientation. On a hand, it’s been verified the use of a measurement unit based upon the human foot, in which there has been in use a foot of 0.275 m. On the other hand, the building is totally unoccupied, without any archaeological findings that indicates the execution of any activity, and with an elegant soil of red clay, which it proportionality is 2:1. Finally, as a fundamental characteristic, the NNE direction of it’s main axis, and without any remarkable topographic element in whole the northern horizon, which aims, with a stunning precision, to the place in the horizon in which Arcturus rised in the time of the construction. It could be possible to affirm that the constructors would look for in this astral direction for the announcement of the spring equinox when it is possible to verify the apparent Heliacal rising of Arcturus some days before this moment of the year. Added to this astral direction, another astronomical situation is verified. It’s dimensions, the propose opening in the Northern wall and it’s orientations, cause that the sunrays never enter to the opposite wall. Only in the most northern positions of the Sunrise, summer solstice, the sunlight enters across the opening to leave in the right shade the opposite wall.





